Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Editing the Commercial

My group and I began editing after we finished recording on Friday. We dumped the rest of the footage onto one of the member's laptop, and proceeded to import all of necessary ones into iMovie. We took the SD card and inserted it into computer. To be cautious, we added all of our footage onto a USB drive as well. This is to have a back up just in case our videos delete or get corrupted. The recordings were imported to the editing studio and placed into the section of raw footage. I watched as Darwin added all of the videos onto the second track. I was the one who gave him advice as to where the clips should be placed. As a group, we established the sequence of all 12 scenes and then had to figure out transitions, lighting, and speed. 

With the first clip, we had to adjust the clip to make it look brighter. This is because the rest of our videos were shot in natural lighting. Besides checking how the footage looks, we had to crop some clips in order to reach the time limit, and not have ones that are too long. We were expecting to not have enough time for our vans commercial, but it ended up to be a second more. I never really helped edit the scenes, but I was the one giving my opinion of what should happen. I did have to take control in order to change the audio of some clips. For example, we basically had to mute all the clips since we wanted music instead of background noise. We planned to add a classroom bell sound to the beginning of the commercial. This was to confirm that the setting was at a school. However, we liked how the commercial worked properly without any noise, so I was in charge of just adding the music. 

The song we chose was an oldie called Blitzkrieg Bop by the Ramones. It fit with the idea of the commercial because it matched the feeling of being a delinquent skater. The beginning of the song started with just rock instrumental. I had to crop some of it because the actual lyrics were being sung at 30 seconds. My job was to match a part of the song with the commercial. The clips I used to help me with this was the ones where we made footwork. The first verse starts playing at the beginning of the scene, where the foot movement began. to continue, at the end, before the second to last scene, we had to make a clean transition of my foot into the camera, and Darwin's foot walking up the stairs. We also added the logo to the end of the commercial. What was bad about this is that we did not really know how to make it dissolve-in on the scene. 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Filming the Commercial

My group and I only had an hour and twenty minutes to film every scene for the "Vans" commercial. I believed that was not enough time to record and I ended up being correct. This is because we still have to record a couple of scenes again before we can begin editing. When we first got to class, I got our equipment and we left to go shoot our first take on the stairs. I could not really help with this part since my other group member was just running down the steps. While they filmed that scene, I was practicing how to jump onto the skateboard for the next section. We finished after a few takes, and we changed locations for me to do the jumping. I was nervous to do it on my own, so I had my friend hold my hand since it was a close-up shot, which means you could not see what was really happening. I had to change into another pair of shoes while filming this, in order to have a variety of takes.

We finished this and continued to film the rest of our scenes outside of the cafeteria. In this fourth clip, it was an extreme close up of the skateboard, and I had to kick it up and catch it as if I was done riding. I had to practice a few times because the board is longer than I am, but it all worked out in the end. Our next plan was to use a friend to help us film a three-shot, however, it did not go accordingly and so we went with our backup. Our group set up the tripod, and I had to be walking while carrying the longboard and make it seem like I was meeting up with a friend. We recorded a few takes, and now I was in charge of recording the upcoming segment. I used the tripod to get a steady shot of another group member walking up the stairs with "vans attire." I made sure the lighting and angles were fine. I wanted her to go up the stairs at various speeds, and that is what each video was made for. We ended this and went to the first location to end recording for the day.

There was a certain part where I had to change into different styles of vans in order to film my feet movement. We all made some footwork and I ended the scene with this clever shot of me putting my foot in front of the camera's lens. This was supposed to transition smoothly with the next scene being a pair of regular shoes walking up the stairs. I was not the one who had the camera, but I think we need to have more takes with this clip in order to get it perfect. After reviewing the footage, I realized I was more of the actor in the commercial than the one actually recording. I was the one who could fit in the different styles of shoes. Thus, I had to be the one who was being filmed. I feel as if this project is quite straightforward because we had to replicate a very simple style. All in all, we are presenting the product we are trying to sell in a professional, yet, creative fashion.

Monday, October 21, 2019


We made a storyboard during class with simple drawings and illustrations on how we plan to make our commercial. Since the commercial is approximately 25-30 seconds long, and each scene is about 5 seconds long, we needed to use 6-7 scenes in total. In the storyboard, we will figure out what camera angles and shots we will be using. As well as the roles we will be playing and how we will edit the raw footage to the final product. In the storyboard, the costumes and clothing we will be wearing will be decided and planned for when we will shoot.

 In our first scene, we sketched out our idea of a three-short of the three of us sitting at a desk together doing our work as the bell rings. In the scene, a person will walk to the right in front of the three students, and a graphic match will connect it to the next scene. In the second scene, the camera is still as the person walks down steps, showing their Vans apparel. In this scene the camera will flash pan to the right, transitioning into the third scene. In the third scene, it will be a medium close-up of a person’s feet, wearing Vans shoes, getting on a skateboard and skating away towards the right as the camera flash pans.

In the next scene, the person who was skating in the previous scene will have arrived to his destination and meet up with his friends as they walk into the cafeteria. This scene will be a two shot of him and his friend, who are both wearing Vans apparel. In the fifth scene, a new person appears as the two other boys disappear into the cafeteria. The new girl is walking to the left and the camera does a tilt/zoom into shoes. This scene is a medium long-shot. In the sixth scene, there will be different close-up takes with different pairs of shoes. Each take involves the same movement; walking and dancing. We will then edit the footage together to make a graphic match of all the shoes together in one motion. In the final scene, the last pair of shoes from the previous scene will be walking out of frame and down the stairs as the Vans logo appears.

All of our scenes will be mostly naturally lit using the sun’s lighting. However there will still be parts with artificial lighting from the rooms. When we actually start filming our commercial, we will shoot the first scene first. Then we will shoot the scenes with the skateboards first, because we have limited time with them. We will shoot multiple takes of the same scene in case of any unpredictable mishaps that may appear in the background or anything else. We will be bringing in a laptop form home and be using iMovie to edit. This is to make it easier to edit our film. All of this planning from the storyboard is done to have everything ready and prepared for when we shoot to maximize productivity. We go in depth with our misc-en-scene and our angles and other factors. In the end, we will have the film ready to edit and implement our plans on how we want to edit it.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Editing Lesson Blog

Today in class, I learned what the process of checking out a camera and the equipment is. Besides the point, I learned how to edit footage once it is imported onto the editing studio. My group will have one SD card to use for footage, and every time we film, we have to dump our recordings onto the computer/desktop. Once the footage is dumped, we will have to import it from the folder on the computer, to the editing studio. Once finished with editing, it would be time to export the movie and when it renders, you check if everything is fit into the place. We did not get to do an example on the editing studio, but my teacher showed us how to get on it and use it. She also said that we would have to use the application with patience, for it can crash and not save your progress on your film. She made sure that we understood that we have to let the raw footage load after dragging it onto a track and want to begin using it. Personally, I see editing as a longer process than planning and studying. The reason being that you have to get all your footage ready, and then start cutting clips, removing audio, adding titles, and creating voiceovers.

Before dumping, I will create a folder for our commercial footage on my student desktop. After, I will connect the SD reader to the USB port, and find my footage on the SD card. This process takes a bit long because I am looking for the right footage to highlight and place into the"commercial folder." I would look for the footage in the folders labeled 'DCIM' or 'private--->AVCHD.' Once I am finished dumping the footage, I will continue with importing the footage onto Pinnacle Studios, which is the editing studio we will be using at school on the desktops. Once I am in the studio, I will click 'File' and start a new movie, which will clear whatever is there at the start (to start fresh). To import the footage, I click import in the application, and click on the plus sign which is found next to 'Desktop.' The takes show up, and the ones I want to use, I will check mark and continue. My raw footage will show in a large box on the top left.

To begin editing, raw footage is dragged down onto the track labeled 'AV2' and this is meant for film. If you do not let the footage load completely, it may become corrupted, or it will crash the application. You can separate clips by clicking on the button that looks like a 'razor blade,' and it will say split clip. You can right click on a clip of a scene to adjust the speed (make it faster, slow it down, and reverse the clip). If my group wants to add transitions, change the lighting(color), or add sound affects. If I would like to mute a certain sound, I would detach the audio from that clip when you right click with the mouse. In order to begin exporting, I would save the movie into the 'commercial folder' and click export. When it is exporting, the movie is rendering and that is when all the clips are sticking together. This is when I would view the movie and check if everything is the way it seems.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Planning Blog for Vans Commercial

Everything needs a plan, especially in film. Today, my group and I will be planning for our Vans commercial. I assume that the actual filming would not take long, except if our plan does not go the way we want to and we have to do multiple takes. We will have different locations of filming with a variety of actors and props. Also a back up plan would be needed, just in case the weather does not cooperate on our filming days.

Mis En Scene
  • Props for out commercial would be skateboards, backpacks, and school supplies in a class. We need these to complete the theme for back to school for a skater kid
  • Main edition to costumes would be the actual shoes and different styles of them. Also there will be some apparel that the brand offers and other skater-type clothing. This includes, flannels, beanies, hoodies, ripped jeans, and other delinquent styles. 
  • There are different locations where we can shoot a skating commercial. Since we are only allowed to be on campus, we made our theme back to school. We plan on filming in the bus loop in front of the media center. Including the stairs that go up to it. Senior patio is another option if it is a sunny day. In a quick location, there would be covered passageways. 

Back up plan
If the weather gets out of hand, and it begins to rain (especially in Florida), we will only be in areas where its covered. The only part that does not have “shelter” is the senior patio and there would be no problem if it rains because we would use the bus loop and covered hallways. If one of the actors aren’t here, we will substitute another classmate. Also if our “professional” skater is not present the day we are filming those scenes, then I will go on youtube to have a quick crash course on a few skating tricks. 

10/11- Planning Commercial
10/21-Quick Lesson and maybe with free time we can film a few scenes
10/23- Full day of filming
10/25- Finish whatever my group needs to film and we will begin editing.
10/29- Finish editing by the end of class (Due that day)

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Research Conventions and Codes

Commercial on Vans shoes and apparel

My group and I viewed shoe commercials on YouTube to get an idea on how we need to film our commercial. Then we looked at Vans commercials specifically to see how the product itself is. We identified that Regular commercials are usually of people tying their shoes, and wearing many different styles. The music of each commercial is up beat. There are close up shots of the shoes, and it cuts to a different situation/action that involves the shoes (skating, running, walking, dancing, etc). Examples of Cross cutting to a person wanting to take action, and cuts to her running to the road. 

Their trademark is “Off the Wall” and usually INSERT it at the end of the commercial. The logo w ould pop up in the scene when the camera moves (pans or tilts) to a different part in the situation. Also in other commercials, there is a product shot where it shows their new styles and where the consumers could get them. We plan to take still shots of the shoes to insert at the end of the commercial to showcase the entire collection we have shown

With my group, we plan on bringing in our own pairs of vans to show the different styles. Also to have someone who skates in order to have a variety of action shots. We also want to have people wearing the apparel and accessories to show. We plan on editing the commercial with graphic matches and ending it with the logo. We plan on shooting in areas throughout the school like the track, courtyard, and hallways. We would go to the track and/or courtyard to shoot scenes with the skateboard showing tricks and close ups of the shoes on the skateboard

Sunday, October 6, 2019


Hi, my name is Mariapaula. I have been told that it's unique, but I am also asked if they can call me Maria or Paula for short. To get things straight, it is my full name. I live a somewhat ordinary life. I live with my family; my two older brothers have just moved back in. I was a pretty weird kid, but I'm not gonna lie, I still am. I have been going to school for so long, and somehow I made it to 10th grade. Anyway, to sum it up, my life has been good so far. There have been ups and downs, as my mind likes to interpret it. Regardless, I believe that I still have so much to look forward to. After I graduate high school, I plan on going to school even longer to pursue my dreams of being a Physician's Assistant. I have been asked what career I want to do ever since birth. Now it has been implanted in my brain to always work hard, especially in school. I am one of those students who gets really good grades and is always there to learn.

Speaking of learning, I get my education from Fort Lauderdale High. I was in a new environment last year and I hardly had friends; I felt like I needed some to feel more comfortable in school. I had made a few in some classes, especially ones in AICE. I am glad I go to Fort Lauderdale because I know they will provide the best education for me and with that, I can get into a good college. I am taking my last three AICE classes this year to finally earn my Cambridge Diploma. I am always pushed to do my best, coming from my teachers, my guidance counselor, and even my dad (who also works at the school.) Health Science 1 is a class I am excited about because I would be able to take an EMR class next year. Other classes on my schedule are Chemistry Honors, Pre-calculus, AP Spanish, AICE English, AICE European History, and finally AICE Media Studies.

AICE Media Studies was a class I was excited to put on my course card last year, because learning about producing and filming is really interesting to me, and doing it with my friends would be a fun process. A good thing to say so far is that I am enjoying it. We will be starting group work on our commercials next week and I find that really exciting because I get to work with my friends on this project. My teacher wants the best for us and has been teaching my class everything we need to know. She wants us to excel on the AICE exam, so she has been teaching us vocab on Camera angles, shots, and movement, sound and editing in a film, and not to forget the Mis en Scene of a movie, show, or play. It has been quite difficult to keep up with the terms, but I will eventually be able to state them all with no struggle. I am glad she is one of those teachers where you can relate to her. Also that she helps us practice how the exam would be in May. Passing this exam would not just give me one of my credits for my diploma, but also give me the feeling of accomplishment by being able to learn a lot in this course and finishing it successfully. I will talk more about this sometime in the future. Thank you for reading.